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The Koboi Balik Kampung’ series emerged from a reflection on the meaning of my homecoming in 2013 after more than 10 years away in Western Canada. Hasnul Jamal Saidon, who is a dear friend and a unique contributor to the discourse on Malaysian art and culture, wrote about my return. Later, in 2020 he wrote about my work on show at the Percah Gallery in Lumut. He has written as a friend as well as a practitioner and theorist of art, and his review goes to the at the heart of my work. Hasnul has reached beyond the play of signs of the Koboi Project, to touch the very simple belas that I believe is latent in the work. 


Here are some links his notes on the Jiwa Halus Blog -

Mengalir Ikut Masa - Flowing with Time "Aliran Semasa"/"RearView Forward" - A Non-Objective Reflection

Meeting a Long Lost Friend and the Lingering Trails Left Behind

Beyond Intellect

Baliklah Koboi Dengan Ayandah & Bondanya

© 2015 by Niranjan Rajah

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