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The original Koboi Balik Kampung Series was  shot in the course of my visit to Malaysia for the Aliran Semasa {RearView Forward} 

symposium in June, 2013. The images for Kedualan Si Koboi were shot in Penang and Vancouver during the same trip. This second Koboi series consists of a pair of photographic images, one large and one small, named 1 SUPERSTAR and 2 Pujaan Ku respectively.  SUPERSTAR was shot with artistic intentions in the blazing afternoon sunshine of Georgetown, Penang. Pujaan Ku was, in turn shot at the time of my departure from Vancouver airport and was intended simply as one for the family album. The photography for Kedualan Si Koboi was done in 2013 by my Durga Jane Rajah. The installation at the Singapore Biennale was documented by Jui Hsiang Tan.


© 2016 by Niranjan Rajah

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